طب الاطفال : أمراض الاطفال

by thaer alfra



Pediatrics: Pediatric Diseases is an application that contains a detailed guide to all pediatric diseases, as the application containsFirst aid for children, where the Pediatrics application explains the first aid for a choking child in detail, as well asAmbulance for a drowned child, as well as explaining how to help a child if he drinks chlorine and others. The pediatrics application also containsThe health of the infant, where the pediatrics application talks in detail on mouth ulcers in children, as well as about umbilical hernia in infantsThe pediatrics application also contains ways to strengthen immunity in children, as well as the causes of loss of appetite in children and othersThe pediatrics application also contains how to deal with the vomiting of the infant, as it explains the optimal handling of it, as well as cases of infant diarrheaAs well as on abdominal pain in the infant and other things related to the care of newbornsThe pediatrics application also contains a section for the care of premature babies in all its detailsThe pediatrics application also contains a special section on pregnancy and childbirth, in which it talks about the health of the pregnant woman and about breastfeeding and the difference between artificial feeding and breastfeeding and othersIt also contains a section on compulsory vaccinations for children in detail.. The pediatrics application also contains a sectionTraining on walking for the child and also talking about training to sit, and the application also talks about training on crawling and other motor commandsAnd the pediatrics application contains answers to when the child walks and the risks of breastfeeding during pregnancy. It also contains the stages of head development for the child, problems, treatment and complications of hyperthermia and treatment of laxity in children as well.. It also contains information about polio and methods of caring for the wound after circumcision and also contains information for dislocation Birth, the harms of artificial feeding, and a lot of information, problems and solutions from specialized doctorsThe pediatrics application also contains a section on childrens nutrition, as it contains a recipe for weight gain and others. The pediatrics application also contains the nutrition of infants and how to take care of them.The pediatrics application also contains a number of books such as the childrens behavior book, as well as a book on pediatric diseases and othersThe application also contains a childrens photo section with a large and distinctive collection of beautiful childrens photos that can be shared and saved.And the pediatrics application contains how to regulate the sleep of infants through natural recipes to regulate sleep and other instructions..Pediatrics: Pediatric diseases is an application worth trying..!